RAF Bridging Blog

What is the Road Accident Fund?

What is the Road Accident Fund?

The Road Accident Fund or RAF is a compulsory indemnity insurance fund in South Africa. The fund was brought into effect in 1997 when it took over from the Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund. The fund is responsible for providing cover for all road users in...

Types of Accidents That the RAF Cover

Types of Accidents That the RAF Cover

The Road Accident Fund is a government-supported insurance fund that thousands of citizens claim from each year. The RAF exists to take care of people who have been negatively affected by the loss of a loved one or a physical injury due to a road accident. What Does...

How much does it cost to fix potholes in South Africa?

How much does it cost to fix potholes in South Africa?

Ask any South African their opinion over the state of our roads and it’s highly likely your question will be met with sighs, eye rolls and much disdain! The reality is our roads are a sad state of affairs and the majority of major and arterial routes have poorly...

What is covered by the Road Accident Fund?

What is covered by the Road Accident Fund?

Vehicle accidents are not only physically damaging but they are financially devastating as well. The emotional and financial toll of losing loved ones, replacing written off vehicles and mounting medical bills can be too much for some victims, causing severe...

How to save fuel and money in the midst of fuel hikes

How to save fuel and money in the midst of fuel hikes

After 2 years of financial hardship because of a global pandemic, already cash-strapped South Africans must now grapple with exorbitant fuel increases. Despite crude oil prices being lower than they were 10 years ago, the government continues to increase fuel prices...

The most dangerous vehicles to drive in South Africa

The most dangerous vehicles to drive in South Africa

If you are an experienced road user in South Africa, you know it can be like the Wild West on our roads! From speeding to drunk drivers, obnoxious taxi drivers and trucks galore, there are many hazards to dodge on the road. But did you ever consider another danger to...

How to Speed Up Your Road Accident Fund Payout

How to Speed Up Your Road Accident Fund Payout

Stop waiting! Get up to 75% of your settled RAF claim early! Were you involved in a motor vehicle accident and awarded a settlement figure by the Road Accident Fund (RAF)? Instead of waiting months or years for a payout, you can now get up to 75% of the claim value in...

8 Causes of Accidents in South Africa

8 Causes of Accidents in South Africa

Heartbreaking headlines and images from car accidents are constantly splashed across our screens and newspapers in South Africa, with some of the worlds most reckless and inconsiderate drivers ruling the roads. In fact, the annual death toll due to road accidents in...

The Top 10 Most Dangerous Roads In South Africa

The Top 10 Most Dangerous Roads In South Africa

We all know South Africa's roads can be rather perilous. From potholes to bad drivers and a lack of policing, it can be downright risky driving on certain roads in South Africa. The Road Accident Fund has assessed vehicle accident data to compile a list of the most...